

4。Martial art already changed by Meiji era

Martial art already changed by Meiji era


And by Meiji period, although it was complete, it was already setting aside Atemi or strike techniques by calling it Kenpou or Sappou, using it separately to joint manipulation, throws and locks.


In addition, inside of this old literature, there is remarkable statement regarding the olden days astonishing skill that were told as anecdote or written in form of documents. Some of old Literature also explains that these ancient martial artists with devastating skills were because they used to put strong emphasis on utilizing Atemi as Sappou or Kenpou.


One can learn that martial arts during Meiji period were more complete, however, it was already not unified form but rather existed as dichotomized separated skills by this time. And from the written explanation about the once existed olden day martial art technique, one can see that martial arts were already different from the original form.


To explain the devastating skill of predecessors, variations of different effective strikes and kicks aimed to hit the Kyusho or the vital points, and head strikes is listed in these old literatures. However, it is unrealistic to think that Atemi or its combination with other Waza would execute extraordinary bone braking, joint dislocating techniques that throw around multiple opponents in all directions, like how it is told as anecdote.




