

17。About Makiwara

About Makiwara


Makiwara is a basic tool in martial arts training and has been used for centuries to train striking power and fists.


It can be used to train the body to generate the power from hip, and create whip like movement to absorb in to the opponent such is known as Gamaku, Chinkuchi, and Muchimi as mentioned by old masters.


Together with breathing technique, the active, passive, and static muscle strength all work together to create inner strength unique to martial art.


The basic principle is of course to combine all the power and practice thrusting so hard that the Makiwara much as a person's weight is tossed out with impact.


but the important thing is to absorb the thrust back dynamic so that your strike does not get bounce back when it recoils.


This is a very important tool, so we make all of them by hand.

This is what makes makiwara bit different than heavy bags.


However, if you only use these internal movement just for striking, you will not be able to use all of its benefit.


This is the reason why many people are leaving the makiwara because they cannot find the meaning of the training.


At Shitoukan, we do not just specialize in striking, but use "kumi-uke uchi" (grapple block strike) from the grapple standing position so that this same power can be activated throughout the body from the overall state of standing techniques.


This is very important when using striking power to perform joint techniques and throws from standing.


And if the body slips out of position or alignment, we will practice to be able to link that dynamic to the next movement.


As we will continue to strive to return to the origins of martial arts, and in the process, we look forward to reaffirm the merits of the old-fashioned makiwara training.





Basic flat punch makiwara training.



Left upper block back fist to right upper block strike.


